The 18th BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia (MENDI FILM) will be celebrated onsite in Bilbao from the 5th to the 14th of December 2025.
The Festival is organised by the “Asociación Cultural Mendi Film Festival Elkartea” Association, (company tax code G01503192) and is based in C/Izaro 18, 2B Dcha. Getxo 48991 - Bizkaia (Spain).
The International Festival of Mountaineering, Adventure, Extreme Sports and Nature Films and Documentaries, MENDI FILM, has been a member of the International Alliance for Mountain Film (IAMF) since 2011.
. All work related to the following subjects is eligible for submission: alpinism, climbing, mountain and adventure sports, skiing, extreme sports, ecology, environment, ethnography…
· Participation is restricted to productions made from the 1st of January 2023 onwards.
· Each participant may enter more than one piece, provided that a separate entry form is submitted for each one.
· The Selection Committee will choose the participating films.
· The selected films will be screened once or twice from the 5th to the 14th of December 2024. The awarded films will likely be screened on the 14th of December 2025. The Organising Committee will decide on which date and at which theatre will the selected films be screened. The Festival’s Board of Directors reserves the right to modify said schedule.
· Participants must ensure that they hold the intellectual property rights and public screening rights for the registered work. Participants must also guarantee that no legal, contractual or any other limitation exists that could prevent the organisers of MENDI FILM from publicly screening the work. Similarly, they must be able to prove that they possess the appropriate authorisation from any people or organisations that hold copyright for different elements that appear in the film, such as music, videos, images, graphics, etc. The registered participant is committed to keep the organisers of MENDI FILM free from any possible third party claim that may be initiated in relation to copyrighted material. MENDI FILM reserves the right to disqualify any film that does not hold the authorised copyrights.
· The submission period for the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia 2025 will be from 19th of March to 5th September 2025
· The submissions will be carried out by the filmmakers, producers or legal representatives.
· Submissions for the 18th BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia are free to enter.
· The submission must be entered in one of these options, attaching the requested material in both ways: By completing the online form of the official website of the festival (www.mendifilmfestival.com) or by completing the online multi-submissions form of the International Alliance for Mountain Film (https://www.mountainfilmalliance.org/multi-submission-form/).
· Each work, regardless of the source language, must be sent with an English subtitle file (.srt Format) and/or a time-coded dialogue list in English for subtitling purposes.
· The requested documents will need to be submitted via email (
· All submissions received will be acknowledged.
· The MENDI FILM Organising Committee will personally inform all participants on the final film selections before the list is made public, and at least four weeks prior to the opening of the festival.
·The MENDI FILM Organising Committee will notify the copyright holders of the film selections via email. Rights holders must confirm participation within 10 working days. If no response is received, the Festival reserves the right to exclude the film from the selection.
.The entrants who have been selected to participate in the Festival undertake to send all the files necessary for their participation (Master Clean ProRes 422, trailer, poster, photographs and .srt file with English subtitles) to the Festival within three weeks of notification of selection.
.If the film is admitted to participate in this edition, it will become part of the Festival's historical archive, and may be used for internal consultation and promotion of the Festival, with prior authorization from the holders of the exploitation and distribution rights of the film in question.
All films selected must meet the following requirements:
Video codec: Apple prores 422 or DNXHD 115
Audio MPEG-4 stereo, 48kHz, 128 kbps
If the films are sent via post (USB flash drive, HDD Laptop Hard Drive, SD card), the Organising Committee will not cover either the post or packaging costs, or any customs charges.
The submissions must be sent with three images and the film poster, which will be reproduced, published or exhibited for promotional purposes for the Festival.
Requirements for the submission of pictures:
-Format: JPEG or PNG
-Minimun resolution: 3500x2000 or higher
-Maximun size: 5000kB
The photographs must be accompanied by the title of the film, location and author's credits. In the event that the photographs are not accompanied by the corresponding author's credit, the authorship of the photograph will be assigned to the project of which they form part. The person who has made the inscription will be responsible for the possible legal causes derived from such attribution. The photographs of the selected films will be kept in the Festival's archive.
Please remember to include the Press Kit and director’s CV.
A teaser or trailer of the film must also be submitted by sending an HD file or a downloadable link to it.
BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia reserves the right to edit and use the information on the selected films and the promotional material submitted (including information submitted alongside the form, photographs, posters, trailers or film clips that are under three minutes) in Mendi Film’s official channels, and in online or offline media outlets.
The Board of Directors of the Festival will name an International Jury consisting of 5 members.
The International Jury will establish internal regulations in accordance with the Board of Directors of the Festival. Their decision will be irrevocable. The Jury will grant the following awards:
· Grand Prize: “Eguzkilore” trophy & €6,000*
· Best Director: “Eguzkilore” trophy & €3,000*
· Best Script: “Eguzkilore” trophy & €2,000*
· Best Cinematography: “Eguzkilore” trophy & €2,000*
·Jury Award: “Eguzkilore” trophy & €2,000*
·Best Original Soundtrack: “Txalaparta” trophy & €2,000*
· EITB Award for Best Film in Basque: “Eguzkilore” trophy & €2,000*
· Best Mountaineering Film: “Eguzkilore” trophy & €1,200*
· Best Climbing Film: “Eguzkilore” trophy & €1,200*
· Best Culture & Nature Film: “Eguzkilore” trophy & €1,200*
· Best Sport & Adventure Film: “Eguzkilore” trophy & €1,200*
· Best Short Film: “Eguzkilore” trophy & €1,000*
*The gross amounts of the prizes will be deducted from the fees associated with current tax regulations, as well as the bank fees that may arise from the transfer of the amount.
To be eligible for the Best Original Soundtrack Award, it is mandatory to submit the "Cue sheet" of the film duly completed.
Films with a total duration of 30 minutes or less will fall under the Short Film category.
The winner of the EITB Award for Best Film in Basque, undertake to sign an agreement with EITB so that the film is visible on the EITB platform. The details of this agreement will be finalized once the prize is awarded.
The Official Jury will be able to give Special Mentions to the films of their choice.
The holders of the exploitation rights of the awarded works undertake to submit to the Festival organization a “Tax Residency Certificate” as a prerequisite for the collection of the prize.
The holders of the exploitation rights of the awarded works undertake to notify the Festival organization who will be the recipient of the cash prize of the corresponding category. Assuming the possible legal consequences derived from such attribution.
Copyright holders will receive monetary prizes by June26 of 2026 at the latest.
Every film selected for the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia 2025 will be considered during the selection of the Mendi Tour 2026. This touring screening programme, organised by BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia, visits 50-60 cities all over Spain.
MENDI FILM will contact the rights holders of the films selected to be part of the Mendi Tour 2025 in order to agree on the terms of their participation and formalize the relevant license by signing a contract for the assignment of rights, including royalties. The acceptance of the participation of a film in the Mendi Tour will ultimately be the responsibility of the holders of the exploitation rights of that work.
When selecting the films, the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia will take into account the participation in other festivals and Tours outside the International Alliance for Mountain Film on dates and locations close to the festival.
The BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia holds the rights to the subtitles generated by the internal translation team exclusively for use during screenings within the scope of the Festival and Mendi Tour.
Any omission to these regulations will be resolved by the Organising Committee of the 18th BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia, in accordance with the general principles of law, and with the uses and practices of audio-visual festivals.
The interpretation, application and resolution of these regulations is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the organization of the Festival.
The signature of the copyright holder, filmmaker, producer or distributor on the registration form of the 18th BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia implies the acceptance of the conditions of these regulations.
All data provided during the submission process will be treated with the utmost care in accordance to the personal data protection regulations. The purpose of processing the data is linked to the submission and development process of the18th BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia and its future editions. Should the holder’s data change, they will need to inform the “Asociación Cultural Mendi Film Festival Elkartea” Association, as managing entity of the database and website, by sending an email to
Grand Prize
“Eguzkilore” y 6,000€
SONGS OF EARTH, Norway 2023
Dir: Margreth Olin
Best Director
“Eguzkilore” y 3,000€
Flying Hands, Spain 2024
Best Script
“Eguzkilore” y 2,000€
Dir: Marco Zingaretti
Best Cinematography
“Eguzkilore” y 2,000€
OF A LIFETIME, France 2024
Dirección y fotografía: Jérôme Tanon
Jury Award
“Eguzkilore” y 2,000€
Dir: Dominic Gill , Nadia Gill
Best Original Soundtrack
"Txalaparta" y 2,000€
Compositora: Bill Elz
EITB Award for Best Film in Basque
“Eguzkilore” y 2,000€
ZAZPI, Spain, 2024
Dir: Mikel Lizarralde
Best Mountaineering Film
“Eguzkilore” y 1,200€
THE LAST EXPEDITION, Poland-Switzerland, 2024
Dir: Eliza Kubarska
Best Climbing Film
“Eguzkilore” y 1,200
Dir: Kenji Tsukamoto
Best Culture & Nature Film
“Eguzkilore” y 1,200€
UN PASTEUR, France, 2024
Dir: Louis Hanquet
Best Sport & Adventure Film
“Eguzkilore” y 1,200€
Dir: Maxime Moulin
Best Short Film
“Eguzkilore” y 1,000€
JAMIE, Canada - USA, 2023
Dir: Darcy Hennessey