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Larunbata abenduak 4 – 11:00 Itsasmuseum
Sarrera doan web bidez izen-emanda. Aforoa bete arte.
CVCEPHOTO mendiko jardueren nazioarteko argazkilaritza lehiaketaren 7. edizioan saritutako 20 lan onenak Bilboko Metroko geltokietan eta Itsasmuseum-en egongo dira ikusgai aurten. Donostiako Club Vasco de Camping Elkartearen erakusketa da, eta tartean dira BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia 14. edizioko irudi izateko hautatu zen ‘The Edge of Guillotine’ lana, Jan Zahula argazkilari txekiarrarena, edota 2021eko CVCEPHOTOko irabazle nagusia, ‘The X’, Marcin Ciepielewski poloniarrarena. Irudi liluragarriek mendiko arnasa eta akzioa ekarriko dute berriro ere Bilboko Metrora eta, Itsasmuseumen estreinakoz, Bilboko kresalarekin eta itsaso usainarekin bat egingo dute.
Sunday December 5 – 11:00 Itsasmuseum
Free entry by registering on the web. Until full capacity.
Filmin was born in the pre-crisis of 2008, in the pre-war period of the platforms, at least in Spain, and it did so autonomously, developing its platform and its opening a route up the rock face by word of mouth and an exhaustive concern for the user experience, not like its competitors. Those who guarded their "algorithm" like the Coca Cola formula have not been able to overcome the old art of love for cinema and its "programming" transferred to the platform by means of its characteristic collections, proactive listening, even anticipating the upcoming demands of the public and the attention to the user, who in this case comes to perceive a certain belonging to a community as opposed to the mass consumption of the other platforms. Collaborating with festivals, even founding some of them, dealing exquisitely with the market and now producing their own originals, this is how FILMIN has reached where it is today.
Sunday December 5 – 18:00 Sala BBK
This book by journalist Roberto Mantovani traces the long history of Mountain Cinema, focusing on its most significant chapters and extending its gaze beyond the Alps - the birthplace of this genre - to the mountains of the world: from Eastern Europe to America, from Russia to Australia and New Zealand. Published by the Italian Alpine Club with the IAMF and the Museo Nazionale della Montagna in Turin, it is the first publication on the history of this film genre.
Sunday December 5 – 20:00 Euskalduna
This is the award for the defence and transmission of the social values of mountaineering. The journalist, filmmaker and mountaineer, Sebastián Álvaro was the creator and director of the famous television programme 'Al Filo de lo Imposible'(On the Edge of the Impossible). This documentary series changed the conception of adventure and mountaineering in Spain. More than the 200 expeditions and 300 documentaries done by him, have made “Sebas” to be one of the people who has made the most trips to the most inhospitable places in the world. He is also the author of almost 20 books on mountaineering. Throughout the last 40 years, 'Sebas' has been and is one of the main disseminators, of all times, of these values, associated with mountaineering, being understood as a school of life.
WOP Award-BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia:
• Fundación Baltistán Fundazioa (2020)
• Nives Meroi e Romano Benet(2019)
• Juanjo San Sebastian(2018)
• Peter Habeler(2017)
• Sir Chris Bonington(2016)
• Josep Manuel Anglada (2015)
• 'Drawn' film by Jeremy Collins (2014)
Monday December 6 – 11:00 Itsasmuseum
Free entry by registering on the web. Until full capacity.
Film buffs, in one way or another, get a thrill out of listening to a film soundtrack. It is time to give value to this work and that the composer be recognised as another member of the filmmaking team, and be acknowledged for his or her contribution to getting the team to the top. Paula Olaz already has an interesting track record in composing soundtracks for fictional feature films. Joaquín Gómez has worked more on the advertising side of composing, while always being linked to nature through the soundtracks composed for short films. They will talk about the contributions of music to mountain cinema.
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Tuesday December 7 – 11:00 Itsasmuseum
Free entry by registering on the web. Until full capacity.
Arantza Saez de la Fuente works in a continuous plastic experimentation, in which the treatment of nature is one of the most significant constants. All her projects have a photographic base, like this one in Atxarte. On a visit to the site, she is invaded by mixed memories, between the hustle and bustle generated by the quarry and the practice of climbing on the surrounding walls. And although time has passed, she celebrates the fact that climbers and mountaineers continue to come to the mountain. All her projects have a photographic basis like 'Atxarte' that is exhibited in the Itsasmuseum itself.
Tuesday December 7 – 18:30 Pangea The Travel Store
Free entry by registering on the web. Until full capacity.
In Biscayan mountaineering, the Regil surname, is far more than a name, it speaks of a dynasty. Four brothers of the family, Andrés, Ángel, José Mari and Toñin, have been pioneers in ski mountaineering and climbing, as well as promoters of the passage that bears the saga's name in The Picos de Europa. Some of them are still active today and can offer current generations a privileged perspective on the evolution of skiing and mountaineering in Bizkaia in the second half of the last century.
Tuesday December 7 – 20:00 Euskalduna
Were George Mallory and Andrew Irvine really the first human beings to reach the highest peak on the planet? This question has been in the collective subconscious ever since they disappeared in 1924 during their attempt to be the first to climb Everest, and it is still remains to be one of the great mysteries of mountaineering. Sebastián Álvaro goes much further in his attempt to find an answer to this enigma. He immerses us in a historical journey through the beginnings of mountaineering from a romantic vision that marked the end of the Great Age of exploration.
Wednesday December 8 – 12:00 Pangea The Travel Store
Free entry by registering on the web. Until full capacity.
In the spring of 1976, a group of nine “Biscayans” embarked on an adventure that could only be the result of their insulting youth. Canned up in two vans, they travelled thousands of kilometres across Europe and Asia. Their destination was Tirich Mir West, a 7338-metre high mountain in Pakistan's Hindu Kush. Forty-five years later, some of the protagonists of the journey will remind us all, through photographs and testimonies, of the honey and the bitterness of that youthful audacity.
Wednesday December 8 – 18:00 Sala BBK
Mountain films feature a wide range of protagonists: peaks, walls, streams, people.... But there are nameless beings who are always hidden from the spotlight and who explain the reason for the landscape. Cecilia Buil (mountaineer and climber) and Ibai Rico (Professor of Geology and researcher at the UPV, mountain guide and climber), will propose a new way of observing, understanding and living the mountains and nature, in a talk led by Eñaut Izagirre (geographer and glaciologist).
Thursday December 4 – 18:00 Sala BBK
Rodolphe Popier explains his studies and methods for pinpointing impossible ascents, while reflecting on the driving forces that fuel deception and call for greater rigour when it comes to accepting the records of leading mountaineers as valid.